Thursday, October 8, 2009

My friend told me their little girl is getting spoiled being an only child. Having two changes that -- no longer am I at Sara's beck and call. She just has to deal with life not going the way she wants because I don't have the energy. It has changed my attitude. The last time she lost her stuffed dogs we searched the house looking for them -- now I tell her after we look for a few minutes, "they will turn up." That's life -- deal with it.

Today Sara was building a cross out of legos and telling her lego people that it is sad that Jesus died on the cross. "God never sins," she told them. "That's what God's for."

1 comment:

  1. I like how you incorporate God into your day and parenting philsophies, Kristin.

    One of my favorite past times, now that I'm a mom, is contemplating how my family's experiences fit into God's plan of redemption. Elia is in the throes of the terrible twos. God makes it very clear to me that she needs His salvation and grace. "Sorry Mommy." True joy through reconciliation and forgiveness. I am fueled by these insights throughout the week.

    However, teaching Elia about God is challenging for me. She understands tangible things. "God made you, Elia. He made your beautiful eyes, ears, and mouth. He made Mommy and Daddy." That is tangible, but she doesn't even understand that yet. "Who made you, Elia?" "Daddy!" As an introvert, it takes very intentional effort to verbalize things of God. And it's even harder to formulate it in a way that a two-year-old might grasp.

    But reading your post about three-year-old Sara gives me hope that Elia will grow in understanding very quickly. And I need to continue to talk about God outloud, while I treasure Him in my heart. :)
