Sunday, November 8, 2009


I know I'm getting stir-crazy when a stranger at the grocery store strikes up a conversation about the merits of her favorite toilet paper and I find myself excited to talk about it. We haven't been going to our mommy groups with all the bugs going around in an effort to keep our newborn healthy. (Not to mention getting anywhere with two kids is a lot more work.)

The swine flu is going around. I am having a hard time trusting God and believing in both his omnipotence and his goodness. Todd says he has trouble reading news stories about kids getting badly hurt or killed now that he is a parent. Like the one about the girl who was abducted at age 11 and was regularly raped and kept in the backyard. She now has two kids of her own and was just rescued. How can God allow such evil?

Today, Sara slapped a baby mirror Todd was holding into Isaac's face. We got so mad at her and put her in a 5 minute time-out. I comforted Isaac and he was fine and then after Sara had a long time-out she apologized to Isaac. I thought about how I love both of them so much. When you have one kid you wonder how you can possibly love another kid as much as you love your first and then you have another one and you do. I also thought about God and how He loves each person he created and how mad he must get when we hurt each other. “You are my child. I love you but I am so mad that you hurt my other child. Into the corner now.”

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